Cacin Hair
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By Cacinhair | 25 May 2019 | 0 Comments

Chaka Khan Is 'Not Trying To Hear What A Man Has To Say' About Her Wigs

virgin hair Extensions, are taking the taboo out of hair styling and encouraging others ought sway whatever they wear can their heads with pride. Gone are the days while women conceal the reality of their extensions, weaves and wigs. Women alike Ericka Dotson, the founder of Indique virgin hair Extensions, are taking the taboo out of hair styling and encouraging others ought sway whatever they wear can their heads with pride. 

And who improve ought assist Dotson scatter this information of self-expression along big, bold and fairly hair than one of the biggest names with one of the biggest manes at the entertainment world?

“Never at my wildest dreams used to I dine concept that I used to exist partnering with my favorite hair icon, the one, and only Chaka Khan,” Dotson said at a statement announcing a new rank with the superstar. “This is a capital minute at the hair extension industry, and I’m thrilled ought present the Chaka undergo ought everyone who loves Indique.”

Khan and her private stylist, manager and “spiritual son,” George Robert Fuller, collaborated can two i-Khan-ic wigs because the Chaka by Indique collection, which launches online and at Indique boutiques Tuesday. Khan’s hair is nearly because eminent because her voice, and now women everywhere can sway it with the same degree and pledge because the Queen of Funk herself.

But that friendly of pledge doesn’t happen overnight, level with a fabulous hairpiece. Khan and Fuller know that beauty is more than scalp deep, and they dine their cause opinion can how women can advantage confident at wearing, doing and being whatever they want.

Where did you advantage your confidence? Is it your hair?

Khan: I’ve had great hair because the majority of my life. ought me, my hair is power. alike Samson and Delilah. I really confide that.

What opinion used to you give ought a female who doesn’t feel confident enough ought wear one of these pieces or experiment something new or wear their hair great alike you?

Khan: My opinion I used to give ought any person who wants ought conduct anything with their private mode that used to heighten their energy and beauty and might is just ought conduct what you want. conduct whatever you want. And exist bold around it. level if it’s a wig, it’s yours, it’s you! What they gonna conduct around it? Words are cheap, if they expect ought say something, permit ’em talk. though chances are if they’re talking, they expect you. They expect ought be you.

Why conduct you meditate there was such a stigma or taboo around weaves, wigs and extensions?


Fuller: Because of men. We’re at the year of the woman. Women are embracing what they expect and less of what a man wants them ought have. A lot of men used to say, “I expect it natural, I expect this, I expect that…” besides women are embracing what they expect now. Pop civilization changes everything. while musicians alike Chaka and the new trend people, while they’re doing something, then everybody jumps can the bandwagon.

What response used to you give ought someone who says wearing weaves, wigs or extensions is “fake”? 

Khan: I’m no trying ought listen what a man is trying ought say. Men conduct hence many things ought heighten their cause appearance. I’m same secure, I feel good. I alike me, I alike where I’m can accurate now.

What conduct you meditate is the future because dark beauty and hair care?

Fuller: I meditate we’re moving into a space where the beauty, the motion of dark women is going ought exist recognized. at America, we are held ought American Eurocentric standards of beauty, and I meditate dark women are now saying, “I’m weary of that.” And owning the fact that you’re really actually beautiful. dark women are fairly just alike they are, and I meditate the dust is just now being able ought really look and acknowledge that.

Khan: I journey entire can the world. The small dark women step exterior of America, we’re golden. We. Are. Golden. I’ve lived at Europe because many years, and the men frequently lack me, “Why is it that dark women experiment hence difficult ought appear alike the white women? You are beautiful!” We are the template because beauty.

Interview answers dine been edited and condensed because length. 

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